Metalsmith 2.6 released

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Metalsmith 2.6 is out!

Github release | Github Roadmap 2.6 issue | NPM package | Node >= 14.14.0


import { readFileSync } from 'node:fs'
import markdown from '@metalsmith/markdown'
import dotenv from 'dotenv'

const env = dotenv.config()
const metadata = JSON.parse(readFileSync('./metadata.json'))

const build = {
  clean: true,
  env: env,
  metadata: metadata,
  plugins: [
    { '@metalsmith/markdown': {}}

export default build

Alternatively you can also run a full metalsmith build with the CLI now if the build is exported without actual build() or process() call:

import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'
import { dirname } from 'node:path'
import { readFileSync } from 'node:fs'
import Metalsmith from 'metalsmith'
import markdown from '@metalsmith/markdown'
import dotenv from 'dotenv'

const workingDir = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url))
const env = dotenv.config()
const metadata = JSON.parse(readFileSync('./metadata.json'))

const build = Metalsmith(workingDir)

export default build

It supports full rebuilds and partial rebuilds by setting metalsmith.clean() to true or false, respectively. A side-effect of using watching is that the build and process methods can not be awaited. Instead pass a callback to them that will be executed on each rebuild/ reprocess. In partial rebuild mode, the files parameter passed to the callback will only contain changed files!

Have a look at the snippet below to get a better idea of how it works:

import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'
import { dirname } from 'node:path'
import Metalsmith from 'metalsmith'

const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url))
  // watches metalsmith.source() by default
  // watch custom dirs, override chokidar options
  .watch(['layouts', 'src'], { interval: 2000 })
  // clean: true for full rebuild, false for partial
  // output files...
  .build(funtion onEachRebuild(err, files) {
    // if clean:false, files will only be the changed files!
    console.log('Rebuild finished!')
  // or only do a 'dry-run' (no writes)
  .process(funtion onEachReprocess(err, files) {
    // if clean:false, files will only be the changed files!

The snippet below demonstrates usage of these methods:

// syncs with metalsmith.frontmatter() options
metalsmith.matter.options({ excerpt: true })
metalsmith.matter.parse(`---\ntitle: Hello world\n---\nExcerpt\n---`)
// returns { title: 'Hello World', excerpt: 'Excerpt' }
metalsmith.matter.stringify({ title: 'Hello World', excerpt: 'Excerpt' })
// returns '---\ntitle: Hello world\nexcerpt: Excerpt---'
metalsmith.matter.wrap('title: Hello world\nexcerpt: Excerpt')
// returns '---\ntitle: Hello world\nexcerpt: Excerpt---'

Full Release notes



